Dragonriders of Pern in Order, by Anne McCaffrey

Set in a fictional world called Pern, this science fantasy series revolves around the unique bond between humans and dragons as they combat a deadly threat known as Thread. Pern is a planet that faces periodic infestations of Thread, a destructive and insidious spore that falls from the sky.

To counter this menace, the people of Pern have developed a symbiotic relationship with fire-breathing dragons. Riders bond with specific dragons, and together, they form the Dragonriders of Pern.

The stories explore the lives of multiple characters, particularly the dragon riders, as they strive to protect Pern from Threadfall and other challenges. American-Irish author Anne McCaffrey wrote most of the books, then started working with her son, Todd.

Here are the Dragonriders of Pern Books in Order

Dragonflight (1968)
Dragonquest (1971)
Dragonsong (1976)
Dragonsinger (1977)
The White Dragon (1979)
Dragondrums (1979)
Moreta (1983)
Nerilka’s Story (1986)
Dragonsdawn (1988)
People of Pern (1988)
The Renegades of Pern (1989)
All the Weyrs of Pern (1991)
The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall (1993)
The Dolphins of Pern (1994)
DragonsEye (1996)
The Masterharper of Pern (1998)
The Skies of Pern (2000)
Dragon’s Kin (2003)*
Dragonsblood (2005)**
Dragon’s Fire (2006)*
Dragon Harper (2007)*
Dragonheart (2008)**
Dragongirl (2010)**
Dragon’s Time (2011)*
Sky Dragons (2012)*
Dragon’s Code (2018)***

*Those books were written by Anne McCaffrey and Todd McCaffrey
**Those books were written by Todd McCaffrey
***This book was written by Gigi McCaffrey

Here are the Dragonriders of Pern in Chronological Order

The Survey: P.E.R.N.“*
Dragonsdawn (1988)
The Dolphins’ Bell“*
The Ford of Red Hanrahan“*
The Second Weyr“*
Rescue Run“*
Dragonseye (1996)
Ever the Twain“**
Dragon’s Kin (2003)
Dragon’s Fire (2006)
Dragon Harper (2007)
Dragonsblood (2005)
Dragonheart (2008)
Dragongirl (2010)
Dragon’s Time (2011)
Sky Dragons (2012)
Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern (1983)
Nerilka’s Story (1986)
Beyond Between“*
The Masterharper of Pern (1998)
Runner of Pern“**
Dragonflight (1968)
Dragonquest (1971)
Dragonsong (1976)
Dragonsinger (1977)
Dragondrums (1979)
The Impression“°
The Smallest Dragonboy“**
The White Dragon (1979)
The Girl Who Heard Dragons“**
Dragon’s Code (2018)
The Renegades of Pern (1989)
All the Weyrs of Pern (1991)
The Dolphins of Pern (1994)
The Skies of Pern (2000)

*Those are short stories collected in the volume titled The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall
**Those are short stories collected in the volume titled A Gift of Dragons
***This short story was collected in the anthology Legends II
°This short story was collected in The Dragonlover’s Guide to Pern

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