Flavia de Luce Books in Order, by Alan Bradley

Set in the 1950s in the English village of Bishop’s Lacey, the series written by Alan Bradley follows the adventures of Flavia Sabina de Luce, an eleven-year-old intelligent and precocious girl who stumbles upon various murders and mysteries in her small village.

As she investigates these crimes, Flavia uses her knowledge of chemistry to analyze clues and solve puzzles.

Here is the Flavia de Luce Series in Order

The Sweetness At the Bottom of the Pie (2009)
The Weed That Strings the Hangman’s Bag (2010)
A Red Herring Without Mustard (2011)
I Am Half Sick of Shadows (2011)
Speaking From Among the Bones (2013)
The Dead in Their Vaulted Arches (2014)
The Curious Case of the Copper Corpse” (2014)
As Chimney Sweepers Come To Dust (2015)
Thrice the Brinded Cat Hath Mew’d (2016)
The Grave’s a Fine and Private Place (2018)
The Golden Tresses of the Dead (2019)
What Time the Sexton’s Spade Doth Rust (2024)

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