Henry Gamadge Books in Order, by Elizabeth Daly
Set in New York City during the mid-20th century, the Henry Gamadge series written by Elizabeth Daly (1878 – 1967) revolves around a bibliophile and expert in rare books and manuscripts.
Henry Gamadge often finds himself embroiled in intricate mysteries that involve crimes such as murder and theft, with a focus on literary and artistic elements.
As a bibliophile and an expert in documents, Gamadge uses his knowledge to unravel clues and solve the puzzles that arise in each case.
Here is the Henry Gamadge Series in Order
Unexpected Night (1940)
Deadly Nightshade (1940)
Murders in Volume 2 (1941)
The House Without the Door (1942)
Nothing Can Rescue Me (1943)
Evidence of Things Seen (1943)
Arrow Pointing Nowhere (1949)
The Book of the Dead (1944)
Any Shape Or Form (1945)
Somewhere in the House (1946)
The Wrong Way Down (1946)
Night Walk (1947)
The Book of the Lion (1948)
And Dangerous to Know (1949)
Death and Letters (1950)
The Book of the Crime (1951)
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