Inspector Rostnikov Books in Order, by Stuart M. Kaminsky

Set against the backdrop of the political and social changes in Russia, the series follows the story of Porfiry Rostnikov, a police inspector with the Moscow Militia (police) as he investigates crimes, navigates the challenges of law enforcement, and contends with the shifting dynamics of the country.

As the series written by Stuart M. Kaminsky (1934 – 2009, Toby Peters) progresses, Rostnikov, a thoughtful and dedicated investigator with a strong sense of justice, and his team of detectives tackle a variety of criminal cases, ranging from murders and robberies to political intrigue.

Here is the Inspector Rostnikov Series in Order

Rostnikov’s Corpse (1981)
Black Knight in Red Square (1983)
Red Chameleon (1985)
A Fine Red Rain (1987)
A Cold Red Sunrise (1988)
The Man Who Walked Like a Bear (1990)
Rostnikov’s Vacation (1991)
Death of a Russian Priest (1992)
Hard Currency (1995)
Blood and Rubles (1996)
Tarnished Icons (1997)
The Dog Who Bit a Policeman (1998)
Fall of a Cosmonaut (2000)
Murder on the Trans-Siberian Express (2001)
People Who Walk in Darkness (2008)
A Whisper to the Living (2010)

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