Railway Detective Books in Order, by Edward Marston
Set in the mid-19th century, this historical mystery series written by Edward Marston (Ocean Liner Mystery) follows the investigations of Robert Colbeck, a detective with the Metropolitan Police’s Railway Department in Victorian England.
The Railway Detective series revolves around crimes and mysteries that occur within the context of Britain’s burgeoning railway network, from thefts and frauds to kidnappings and murders.
Here is the Railway Detective Series in Order
The Railway Detective (2004)
The Excursion Train (2005)
The Railway Viaduct (2006)
The Iron Horse (2007)
Murder on the Brighton Express (2008)
The Silver Locomotive Mystery (2009)
Railway to the Grave (2010)
Blood on the Line (2011)
The Stationmaster’s Farewell (2012)
Peril on the Royal Train (2013)
A Ticket to Oblivion (2014)
Inspector Colbeck’s Casebook (2014)*
Timetable of Death (2015)
Signal for Vengeance (2016)
The Circus Train Conspiracy (2017)
A Christmas Railway Mystery (2017)
Points of Danger (2018)
Fear on the Phantom Special (2019)
Slaughter in the Sapperton Tunnel (2020)
Tragedy on the Branch Line (2021)
The Railway Detective’s Christmas Case (2022)
Death at the Terminus (2023)
Murder in Transit (2024)
*This is a collection of short stories featuring Inspector Colbeck.
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